Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Mahler answers “real” questions
often asked by his patients with COPD

Will My COPD Get Worse?
COPD prognosis Donald Mahler COPD prognosis Donald Mahler

Will My COPD Get Worse?

Dear Dr. Mahler:

I recently viewed an on-line video about COPD. One of the experts keep saying that “COPD is a progressive disease.” Is that true?

I see my lung doctor once a year and have breathing tests before each visit. Last month she showed me my test results over the past 3 years. The tests for FEV1 and FVC were quite stable over that time period. She said that I am “maintaining” my lung function probably due to the two long-acting bronchdilators that I take daily.

This is very confusing, and I am sure that others with COPD have the same question and want to know the answer.

Keep posting,
Phil from Glenview, MT

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